National Badger Day

Today is National Badger Day, a day to celebrate one of our most mysterious and seldom seen animals. Over the years, I have been incredibly privileged to spend many long hours watching and photograhing these beautiful, sentient animals at various setts near to my home. I have also been fortunate to have been given access to the gardens of friends who welcome badgers into their lives.

Sadly, at a time when what is left of our natural world is under increasing threat, our badgers are being killed as part of an unscientific and barbaric cull orchestrated by the UK Governemnt under the disguise of an attempt to reduce Bovine Tuberculosis (BTB) in cattle. It has been scientifically proven that this ongoing cull has not reduced, let alone eliminated, BTB in cattle in the UK. However, despite all the scientific evidence, the barbaric culling of our badgers continues into its tenth year.

Badgers have lived in the UK for over 500,000 years, they play an integral and very important role in the UK’s ecosytems. Due to the ongoing cull, there is the real propsect that badgers will become locally extinct in certain areas in the UK. The fate of our badgers is in our hands. It's time to stop the barbaric and unscientific badger cull and to ensure that our badgers have a future.

The Badger Trust is the leading organisation in the UK dedicated to promoting and enhancing the welfare, conservation and protection of badgers, their setts, and their habitats. The Badger Trust has a network of around 50 local voluntary badger groups, supported by thousands of supporters and followers. You can find out more about the Badger Trust and the work they undertake on their website.


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